A class that teaches how to make your own prints? Sign me up! Our sweet friend led a class in the art of printmaking last month and to say it was wonderful would be an understatement.
Fall weather might not be here quite yet, but the flavors are most definitely already in full swing. Try some pumpkin goodies, pick up some stunning flowers, or grab some local produce.
Outpatient Records and Discover Chico co-hosted a two day pop up of new and vintage records for sale in our space. Between vinyl records playing, coffee and fall weather, this shaped up to be a pretty wonderful weekend!
Shopping locally and drinking local coffee sounds like a pretty great start to the weekend if you ask us. If that sounds like your vibe too, come join us for our once a. month Pop-Up Markets!
Story Hour in our Cafe lounge is without a doubt the cutest event to take place here. A morning of little ones and their parents laughing, making friends, listening to stories and engaging in activities.